VEGA Super Car



Vega Innovations is an electric vehicle automobile manufacture of electric super cars, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Vega also designs and manufactures EV components such as high performance inverters, drivetrains and battery packs; as well as provide EV research and development services to clients worldwide. 

From a purely technological perspective, there seems little chance of that. The car bears a sophisticated silhouette befitting a boutique hypercar, and considerable innovation beneath that sheet metal. Dual electric motors power the rear wheels, producing a combined 900 horsepower with 530 pound-feet of torque. Carbon-fiber construction helps hold vehicle weight to about 3,000lbs – rather remarkable, given the density of the on-board lithium-ion battery packs. The team, comprising over 30 engineers and other personnel, is developing what Kulapala – a 13-year veteran of Intel with a PhD in electrical engineering – calls a state-of-the-art motor controller, and new thinking around battery packaging. Says Kulapala: “The lithium battery modules have a number of innovations in packaging, safety, battery management, system hardware, and firmware and software., “Our eDiff [electronic differential] will also run cutting-edge algorithms to control the vehicle in different road and driving conditions.

Will it have the same track-attuned chops of a Ferrari or Lamborghini? Not likely, but nor will it be a slouch. That 3.5-second zero-to-60 time places it firmly in supercar territory, and the in-house engineering should help the vehicle – which is expected to carry a six-figure price tag – achieve a 150-mile range and a top speed of 150mph.

The team has the engineering pieces in place, but bringing the Vega to market may be the  larger challenge. Raw materials and precision tooling needed for key components are not always present in Sri Lanka, Kulapala says. But Sri Lanka is full of surprises. Per capita income of the country has doubled since 2005, and the nation’s cellular subscriber base has grown 550% between 2005 and 2010. Sri Lanka was also the first country in south Asia to introduce mobile broadband technology.


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